Tag Archives: Over the Rainbow

Age of Innocence

This is probably a continuation of sort from the last post,where I wrote about children singing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” at the 83rd Academy Awards.

Hhmm!The other day,after a benevolent largesse from the Rain God,when I was coming back home in an  Auto Rickshaw (the Aam Aadmi’s-bank-balance-ripper),I saw two kids sitting on the backseat of a Scooter driven by their father.As the Scooter sputtered across the stockpile of water,I heard a shriek followed by a delectable laughter.I was not exactly happy,not really sad,feeling “nuetral” maybe.But that made my day,or at least the moment lasted for quite some time.

My Papa still thinks I am kid,but when I see these rugrats having fun and laughing and giggling at something so mundane it ignites the spirit in me to be the kid again.The carefree kid,whose biggest trouble would probably be picking a crayon to color,or making the Class Teacher fall in love with them(ha!ha!),I had quite the crush on my class teachers,my favorite being Bhawna Ma’am from class III-B.=P.

The Age of Innocence I call it.It saddens me however how the kids today are driven by competition and the constant need to excel.I blame not just the parents,but the entire system of Education,as well as the exploding population.I hope and pray the Indian Government comes up with a solution for the grave predicament soon enough.

My Mantra for the day,to relive ONE such experience that teleports us to our childhood,where we too are not driven by the mundane routine of our Lives and live ONE such experience that makes us feel like a Kid again.That makes up content again.That reminds of our innocent selves.